Wednesday, August 31, 2022

CIT-Students' Tomorrow

After the pandemic, I returned to CSN (even though I already had my bachelor's degree in finance). It can be expected that many of my classmates came back to study on the university campus after taking a job just like me. As a student of CIT College, I think I have made a wise choice. In the future development, the application and maintenance of the network, information technology, and electronic equipment are essential.

Through their own hobbies and interests, choosing a suitable for their own major will position their future employment and development to get twice the result with half the effort. I am very optimistic about the employment prospects of all students, as long as they study hard and master the necessary certificates and professional skills. Believe that all will be rewarded; today's sweat and tears will not be vain.


  1. Returning to higher education after earning a bachelor's degree in Finance to break into the Information Technology field? I think it's wise choice as I also chose IT over Finance toward the end of undergraduate degree pursuit ^_^

    "Today's sweat and tears will not be in vain." Well said!

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022 and I hope your optimism spreads to the rest of the class :-)

  2. I too, agree that you made a wise choice in returning. I very much strongly believe in always investing in yourself and giving it your all. I definitely relate to you post.

  3. Your optimism is refreshing. You have made a wise choice. Technology is growing at every corner of the world and within all types of industries. I thing everyone who attends any college or university should be required to complete a course like IS 101 or higher.

  4. I admire your motivation to come back to school. I second Mr. Wu's comment on "Today's sweat and tears will not be vain." Our sacrifice and dedication to persevere will be worth it at the end.

  5. What a jump! From finance into the IT world, both are very demanding professions. I agree with you, I think you made a wise choice. The demand for IT professionals have skyrocketed with ongoing need especially in cyber security.

  6. You should be very proud of yourself. I did not get my degree in business the first time around, instead i got it working for major corporations, the decision I made to come back to college to get a degree in law some 40 years later has me excited and revitalized.

  7. Your background is very impressive! I admire how you not only addressed your education but redirected the second paragraph to the work ethic of students in general.

  8. As someone who is in the early stages of choosing Finance or Accounting before they transfer to UNLV what made you change your mind and come back to school?

    1. Thanks for your commenting. When I was young, my parents forced me to study the major which they like (Finance). My GPA was 3.89 of my graduation, and I found job easily with my certain Certs related to my major. To be honest, the pay and career is pretty good so far. However, I am not young any more, I really want to stduy something which I like. That maks me come back to school and study hard. And I guess it will be my last chance to study in college or university.

  9. I think you have made a wise choice since technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun. All your sacrifice will be worth it.

  10. I agree with you choosing to continue education, and beginning to move into IT. I wish you the best for this semester.

  11. When I decided to do welding as my degree it started as a hobby that now turned into a career. I held great positions because I have the knowledge and skills that I learn taking classes at CSN.

  12. I am in awe of your perseverance and determination. You did make a wise choice! Now, technology is more advanced and they need people who are intelligent in Cyber Security. Well done :)!

  13. I also believe that the amount of effort and sacrifice we're willing to put in will define our success even if only in the long run. Hearing that you have chosen to come back after already completing a different degree motivates me to complete mine as well!

  14. I find the tone of optimism in your blog very inspiring to take on the challenges of returning to school to learn new things and journey down paths I never thought possible.

  15. Finding an appropriate major, as you indicated, will undoubtedly be beneficial to all of us because our efforts will be recognized.

  16. I think it was a wise choice to chose IT because it is a high demanding profession.

  17. So amazing to see one enroll into school after already having a bachelor's in finance.

  18. I'm happy for you coming back to college after having a bachelors degree is impressive. :)
