Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Learn to be Grateful

        Gratitude is a philosophy of life and great wisdom in life. A wise man should not haggle over every ounce of what he does not have, nor should he blindly ask for and inflate his own selfish desires. Learn to be grateful and be grateful for what you have, and thank you for what life gives you. This way, you will have a positive outlook and a healthy attitude.

        Saying "thank you" every day with gratitude makes you think positive thoughts and makes others happy. Lend a helping hand to others in need; And when others help themselves with a sincere smile to express gratitude; When you are sad, someone will take the time to comfort you, and so on, these little details are a grateful heart.

        Gratitude is a person who should have nature and a healthy personality expression. Life, work, and study will meet people to give you help and care, maybe you can not return all, but it is necessary to show gratitude to them.


  1. Excellent advice ^_^

    It's always good to appreciate what your have and those around you :-)

  2. I just came back from mass, this message resonates so much with me right now. Remember to be grateful for all events in your life even the rough times for they help you grow. Thank you Rui.

  3. I 100% agree with you Rui. Being grateful makes us more joyful. Rui, I believe you will be very successful, you will achieve anything you set your mind to.

  4. Yes, I also believe in always having a grateful heart. There are so many things to be grateful for in life, especially the little things.

  5. This time of year is always a time of reflection. When a person reflects on the past year of events and understand the lessons of what life has given, that is when gratitude takes place. I am thankful for the past year and I show my gratitude by giving and helping out people when ever I can.

  6. Being grateful is one of the many things I say when I'm praying, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Even when I'm going through stressful times, I'm still grateful for those moments because it's a learning experience and it instills strength.

  7. This post speaks to me because I am the type of person to show my gratitude for the smallest things.

  8. I am grateful for the little things I have in life.

  9. Rui, you are so wise. I am grateful for having you as my classmate. You have inspired me to push ahead and learn more.

  10. I appreciate the little things. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you for being you.
