Monday, November 28, 2022

Inspirational chicken soup for the soul

        Share some of my personal insights on work and study. I hope you are well prepared as the final semester approaches and keep you motivated along the way!

1, pack up your cowardice and put your domineering; when you fall, there is no one to help you. More is to see your joke.

2, You don't work hard, no one will be fair to you. Only if you work hard, have resources, and have the right to speak. You need to fight for a fair opportunity for yourself.

3, Laziness will take root! Without dreams, corruption will take root and sprout! The longer the time, the deeper the roots! It's gonna be hard to get up! So, in order to stand well, don't stop your steps!

4, If you want to win, and your inner self tells you that you can't win, what do you think your chances are? If you feel you are unique, then your mindset will enable you to go on the road of life without hesitation.

5, Missed yesterday, don't miss today. The past is dealt with by youth, and the next thing by your own proof.


  1. Chicken soup for the soul, I like it :-)

    Excellent points to splash cold water on one's face!

    I hope this helps your classmates to finish IS101-3012, Fall 2022 strong ^_^

  2. Well said sir. I like that Chicken soup for the soul.

  3. Well said, this was a soothing read.

  4. I like your topic Rui. "Soup for the Soul" I've read several of the books and they are educational and wise just like your post. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I use to love these! The last time I even read one was maybe in elementary school. This was a nice reminder of it.

  6. Thank you for these inspiring insights. I’m going to order some of those books to give as gifts.

  7. This excerpt reminds me of Japanese proverbs I have read in a few books. I love the positive message this blog is send. I hope more students can resonate with this blog. You may have to read it more than once to find the relevance to your own life. Otherwise good post.

  8. Love how you've been sharing inspirational and uplifting messages for your last couple of blog posts! It can definitely make someone's day.

  9. Loving all your words of wisdom! "You need to fight for a fair opportunity for yourself." - I couldn't agree more!

  10. Rui, this got me going! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you.
