Monday, November 7, 2022

Seven practical ways to become mentally strong for life (Part i)

Introduction: I know that many students in the class may be experiencing pain that ordinary people can't imagine, or some emotions that can't be expressed. I hope this article can help you out of the dilemma and move forward all the way.
  • #1. Be aware of your own dreams and needs:

        Many people are not strong, often because of the loss of the pursuit of life motivation. So if you want to be mentally strong and feel what you want most and who you want to be, you will have more courage to face your own life.

  • #2. Dare to explore, and think of danger in times of peace, out of your comfort zone:

        People's lives need to have the spirit of exploration in the face of their own lives. We may have heard of the comfort zone. A person in the comfort zone for a long time will lose the motivation to struggle in life.

        Life is constantly changing, so learn to anticipate the danger. In the good times, we should be prepared for the possible trough. Even when the trough comes, we will not panic but know how to face it calmly.

  • #3. Be fully accountable to yourself, not to others:

        In life, I have found that there is a mistake that many people leave their lives to others. They are not responsible for themselves. For example, some people work step by step for the sake of their parents, but their heart is unwilling and depressed.

        To be responsible for oneself means having the right to choose one's life and assume all the responsibility and risk for one's own life. When we leave our lives to others, we are not really mature, a kind of adult giant baby.

        Learning to be responsible means that your happiness is up to you and no one else. Bear the responsibilities of your own life, and you will find that this is your true sense of maturity.

        You should know that only if you are happy, you will attract more happiness to your side. For example, many people base their happiness on the recognition of others. So you are the most influential person to create a positive life for yourself and work hard for the life you want.

  • #4. Feel your emotions, not judge them:

        Sometimes emotions come, and we don't need to suppress ourselves completely. Psychologically speaking, emotions are a powerful channel for us to know ourselves, and when we know how to feel our emotions, it also helps us to open up channels of our own strength.

        Instead of judging ourselves, we need to treat each of our feelings equally. For example, anger and anger help us to relieve stress. We can have more power when we can accept our full emotions instead of criticizing and blaming ourselves.

        On the other hand, by recognizing and accepting our own emotions, we learn more about ourselves and have more empathy for others. The reason why some people's inner world is rich is precisely the source of their own understanding.

        We must never forget that we are a small universe. By learning to connect with ourselves and feel the ups and downs of our inner strength, we can take control of ourselves and gain inner peace and courage.

To be continued...


  1. Excellent advices, Rui. #4 is surprising :-)

    I hope your classmates find these first four of seven advices useful!

    Interesting choice of Optimus Prime & Bumblebee vs. Megatron & Frenzy (or is that Rumble)?

  2. Rui, What are we to do with you? You are a vast universe of knowledge. I need some of your thought process. It's true, we all suffer emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. #2 It is always a great thing to get out of your own comfort zone and explore new things. # 3 is definitely true, one has to be accountable for ones self and not look at ourselves as victims, many times of our own circumstances. I look forward to the continued part of your blog.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! In my heart, you are the best! (6 courses in one semester)
      You're the best one of the best! :-]

  3. Thank you for this. Around 5 months ago, I made a decision let go of the mindset of going along with second opinions and criticisms from other people because they made me feel like my path wasn't good enough. I've luckily had the opportunity and freedom to do what I want to do, but it came at the cost of having people talking and laughing behind my back. I get very annoyed at the thought of those comments replaying over and over in my mind, and they really hurt because I completely absorb the emotion behind those words, but the best thing to do is just keep going.

  4. Out of all the ways to become mentally strong listed I connected with #3 the most. I agree that many people live their lives as adult babies. Even at my age I am still learning to take more responsibility for myself.

  5. One of the best straight forward comments I have seen in a long time. Every line is a true statement of life. Very well said. Thanks for posting this.

  6. I will wait for the next 3 points.

    In my experience, growing up was different from others. Without having many resources to seek advice about mental strength, let alone be aware of it, I was already building my own world in my own mind, regardless of what was happening in the world.
    The reason for this, was the measure of happiness and unhappiness. Had I not built my own mental strength from within myself and not from outside sources, I would not be the person I am today. There are definitely more than 7 practical ways to build mental strength.

  7. Great advices. Can't wait to see what the other advices are in your next post.

  8. Your first line "I know that many students in the class may be experiencing pain that ordinary people can't imagine, or some emotions that can't be expressed." I agree, and this is why I teach my kids to choose kindness always. You never know what the person sitting next to you is going through. You could be the light that they need in their day.
    As for the four points you've shared, again, I agree. You're always so insightful. I can't wait to read what the last three points you have to share.

  9. #3 Responsibility is the first thing many college students will experience and learn during their first year of college.

  10. "The reason why some people's inner world is rich is precisely the source of their own understanding." Wow Rui, This really influenced me. Thank you for the self reflection it was helpful to me.

  11. Great read sir thank you for this. Sometimes we need to hear it from another person to bring us back to reality. We try to teach our kids to be a certain way and sometime we forget to listen to our own advice. Thank you again for this.

  12. The very first one really stood out to me; I've never given much thought to my own goals or needs. This may be because as I grow, my goals and needs change significantly, making it impossible to fit them into my current circumstances.
