Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Learn to be Grateful

        Gratitude is a philosophy of life and great wisdom in life. A wise man should not haggle over every ounce of what he does not have, nor should he blindly ask for and inflate his own selfish desires. Learn to be grateful and be grateful for what you have, and thank you for what life gives you. This way, you will have a positive outlook and a healthy attitude.

        Saying "thank you" every day with gratitude makes you think positive thoughts and makes others happy. Lend a helping hand to others in need; And when others help themselves with a sincere smile to express gratitude; When you are sad, someone will take the time to comfort you, and so on, these little details are a grateful heart.

        Gratitude is a person who should have nature and a healthy personality expression. Life, work, and study will meet people to give you help and care, maybe you can not return all, but it is necessary to show gratitude to them.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Why add animations to the slide?

Adding animations to a page without a destination can make the page's content move inexplicably. Adding animations to the content of the page usually has one of two effects:

(1) In order to make the content appear orderly.

When there are multiple items on the PPT page, animation can be added to the content to make the content appear in front of the audience in an orderly way and guide the audience's thinking.

The content comes out in an orderly way, which can also better match the rhythm of the speech so that the content follows the speaker's ideas in turn.

Let the content appear sequentially, usually selecting the animation of the entry type, as shown below.

If you are unsatisfied with these animation types, you can also open more Enter Effects dialog boxes to select more types of entering animations.

(2) For emphasis

If the text, pictures, graphics, and other content on the page need to attract the audience's special attention, you can add emphasis animation. Emphasis animations emphasize content by flashing, rotating, and so on.

Open the animation menu, and you can see the emphasis animations as shown below. If you are not satisfied with these emphasis animations, you can also go to the more emphasis effects dialog box for selection.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Inspirational chicken soup for the soul

        Share some of my personal insights on work and study. I hope you are well prepared as the final semester approaches and keep you motivated along the way!

1, pack up your cowardice and put your domineering; when you fall, there is no one to help you. More is to see your joke.

2, You don't work hard, no one will be fair to you. Only if you work hard, have resources, and have the right to speak. You need to fight for a fair opportunity for yourself.

3, Laziness will take root! Without dreams, corruption will take root and sprout! The longer the time, the deeper the roots! It's gonna be hard to get up! So, in order to stand well, don't stop your steps!

4, If you want to win, and your inner self tells you that you can't win, what do you think your chances are? If you feel you are unique, then your mindset will enable you to go on the road of life without hesitation.

5, Missed yesterday, don't miss today. The past is dealt with by youth, and the next thing by your own proof.

Monday, November 21, 2022

The importance of health

  • Health is the source of happiness in life.

Health is the basis of life and the source of happiness. Health can not replace everything, but without health, there is no everything. To create a brilliant life and enjoy the joy of life, we must cherish health, learn to live a healthy life and let health become the source of a happy life.

Whether life is happy or not, there may be many measures, and health is always listed first. Without health, without a sound body and full of spirit, life will be overshadowed and dull.

  • Health is the premise of personal happiness. 

People with a healthy body and mind are more likely to maintain optimism, which is essential for developing a positive attitude toward life. How can a person who does not cherish his life experience the taste of happiness? Only those full of vitality can resist various diseases through all kinds of difficulties to meet one challenge after another.

  • Health is the guarantee of career success.

Health is the foundation of people's career success. Physical health and mental health are complementary to each other, influence each other, and restrict interpersonal harmony or not, especially confidence and courage, two psychological states. Those directly related to the success of the career. An unhealthy person is often negative, pessimistic, lacking confidence and courage, and challenging to produce creative thinking. Life is not smooth sailing, with a healthy body to withstand a variety of challenges and setbacks, and achievements.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Seven practical ways to become mentally strong for life (Part ii)

  • #5. sincere communication, speaking out the true inner thoughts, not injustice themselves:

Being mentally strong has everything to do with being true to yourself. Everyone needs to be honest with themselves. This is an important way we can open up our energy. Many people have weak inner strength because they often suppress their inner thoughts. They need to learn how to communicate with others. On the other hand, in their own life with their own compromise, they do not know what to fight for their own things and will become more inferior.

When we know how to sincerely say our own heart's true thoughts, it is also our most powerful time. Many people are afraid of being insignificant, so they don't dare to express themselves. Please remember you are unique in the world, and your feelings are also unique. When you express your innermost true feelings, you can quietly conquer others. More importantly, it can bring you extraordinary courage.

  • #6. Learn to forgive the past and face your new life:

        Psychology has found that many people live in pain because of their past experiences of torturing themselves. They are not letting go of their own, so they are getting deeper and deeper. When we learn to forgive the past and face our new life, we tell ourselves that the past does not represent the present, much less the future.

        The pain of the past may be our life experience or their own life experience necessary setbacks, don't let others' mistakes affect their own. There is a phrase called, own business, other people's business, God's business.

        To forgive some people is to give ourselves a new chance. We cannot decide for others, but we can change our mentality to regain control and shape our happiness. The so-called happiness is this moment, wholeheartedly put down the burden of the heart, put down the expectations of others, and you can find your own new life.

  • #7. Be grateful for the present and embrace the future:

        Gratitude is a significant power that is easy to overlook. Gratitude can turn our ordinary lives into strange discoveries. Gratitude can make our daily life warm and lovely. Gratitude can make our aimless life more positive and brave.

        Gratitude is a source of strength and a meaningful way to be mentally strong. Most of the time, our hearts are tired and weak, and our eyes are often covered by desire. When we learn to be grateful, we can realize what we have and see the beauty in ourselves to ignite new hope and new power for life.

        To learn how to be grateful, there is a small method for your reference.

You can think about the three things you are thankful for daily and find your inner harvest. Over time, your heart will store a lot of positive power, which can help us fight against the boredom and negativity of life and give us the support of inner strength. 

        Embracing the future is learning to look at each day with hope. My favorite is Scarlett's famous saying in <Gone with the Wind>, "the sun rises, tomorrow is another day." Believing in the power of the future can give us hope and motivation for life.

        We need to think about the future and the blueprint we want. When you know how to use the blueprint of the future to plan your actions now, you can touch the control button of the future. This is the power of hope.

        To sum up, inner strength comes from our inner strength. These seven ways help us build ourselves from within, learn to connect with ourselves, stimulate the source of our inner strength, and find our inner dreams with aspirations. Then we can move forward and create the life we want.

You are welcome to discuss how to make yourself strong. (For commenting)

Monday, November 7, 2022

Seven practical ways to become mentally strong for life (Part i)

Introduction: I know that many students in the class may be experiencing pain that ordinary people can't imagine, or some emotions that can't be expressed. I hope this article can help you out of the dilemma and move forward all the way.
  • #1. Be aware of your own dreams and needs:

        Many people are not strong, often because of the loss of the pursuit of life motivation. So if you want to be mentally strong and feel what you want most and who you want to be, you will have more courage to face your own life.

  • #2. Dare to explore, and think of danger in times of peace, out of your comfort zone:

        People's lives need to have the spirit of exploration in the face of their own lives. We may have heard of the comfort zone. A person in the comfort zone for a long time will lose the motivation to struggle in life.

        Life is constantly changing, so learn to anticipate the danger. In the good times, we should be prepared for the possible trough. Even when the trough comes, we will not panic but know how to face it calmly.

  • #3. Be fully accountable to yourself, not to others:

        In life, I have found that there is a mistake that many people leave their lives to others. They are not responsible for themselves. For example, some people work step by step for the sake of their parents, but their heart is unwilling and depressed.

        To be responsible for oneself means having the right to choose one's life and assume all the responsibility and risk for one's own life. When we leave our lives to others, we are not really mature, a kind of adult giant baby.

        Learning to be responsible means that your happiness is up to you and no one else. Bear the responsibilities of your own life, and you will find that this is your true sense of maturity.

        You should know that only if you are happy, you will attract more happiness to your side. For example, many people base their happiness on the recognition of others. So you are the most influential person to create a positive life for yourself and work hard for the life you want.

  • #4. Feel your emotions, not judge them:

        Sometimes emotions come, and we don't need to suppress ourselves completely. Psychologically speaking, emotions are a powerful channel for us to know ourselves, and when we know how to feel our emotions, it also helps us to open up channels of our own strength.

        Instead of judging ourselves, we need to treat each of our feelings equally. For example, anger and anger help us to relieve stress. We can have more power when we can accept our full emotions instead of criticizing and blaming ourselves.

        On the other hand, by recognizing and accepting our own emotions, we learn more about ourselves and have more empathy for others. The reason why some people's inner world is rich is precisely the source of their own understanding.

        We must never forget that we are a small universe. By learning to connect with ourselves and feel the ups and downs of our inner strength, we can take control of ourselves and gain inner peace and courage.

To be continued...

Monday, October 31, 2022

Harvard's 4:30 AM (Part ii)

        I believe many people do not have time to read this book. So I am sharing some of my views and feelings about this book with you today; I hope we can progress together!

  • Most of the students at Harvard, they don't cut classes or be absent easily.
  • In class, they pay attention to the lecture, take notes, and ask the professor questions in real-time when they don't understand or even start a debate. They strive to understand the new knowledge before the end of class rather than holding the "it doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, after class can learn again" remedial mentality.
  • Almost everyone will use Google Calendar and other tools to make a to-do list every day, and list the study tasks of the day in 1, 2, and 3. Some students will further prioritize and give themselves a deadline to complete an assignment (e.g., "Have 50 pages of reading done by 7 o 'clock for dinner").
  • Work hard when you study; play hard when you play. Many of them will be drinking and partying the night before. The next day they will be completely isolated. They "lock themselves away" and focus on reading a book, completing a problem set, or writing a paper. You sometimes can't find them in study mode: their phones are turned off, and their Facebook messages and emails aren't responding. High intensity of seclusion often can help them in a short period of time to get the learning task.

        After reading this book, the first thought that pops into my head is, "What was my purpose when I opened this book?" Because at the end of the book mentioned, one of the ways of thinking is "a clear sense of purpose, with a purpose to learn."

        If you have a chance to read this book, please share your thoughts with me!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Harvard's 4:30 AM (Part i)

        If it wasn't for my family issue, I'd probably be sitting in a class at the University of Washington with three letters of recommendation and a scholarship. But I have never complained to my son and my wife. On the contrary, I read books to him every day now. I've been reading this book to my son. It's called <Harvard at 4:30 AM>. This book is very popular in Asia. As far as I know, there are Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and so on editions.
        At 4 o 'clock in the morning, the library of Harvard University was brightly lit and full of people... In the cafeteria at Harvard, it is hard to hear voices. After each student sits down with a pizza and coke, they often read or take notes while eating. It is rare to see a student who eats without reading, and it is rare to see a student who chats while eating. At Harvard, the dining room is nothing more than a library where you can eat, an alternative to Harvard's original 100 libraries.

        Harvard is undoubtedly a myth and a symbol of the spirit of learning. At Harvard, learning is a kind of faith. Harvard has produced 40 Nobel Prize winners, 8 American presidents, and countless business elites. In this point of diligence, Harvard is not a myth; Harvard is just proof of the will, spirit, ambition, and definitive. No matter how outstanding Harvard people are, they have laid a solid foundation for their life in diligence and busyness. This is the real reason why Harvard people have achieved so much success. Taste the success of Harvard's elite experience, feeling the life wisdom of first-class institutions. After reading this book, you'll always find a reason to be aggressive.

        I love reading, and even if I am busy every day, I will spare 15-20 minutes to read before going to bed! Because reading can let me take in new energy and better let me exchange ideas with others, which pleased the communication! God is fair to everyone, and everyone has 24 hours a day. In their spare time, some people choose to read, and some people choose to watch TV and play games. Do not blame others for being so excellent, which you think is because of their good luck or rich background. That's because others are doing things in places you can't see, silently working hard, down to earth. So, do not envy, do not complain, and steadfastly do everything.

To be continued...

Monday, October 17, 2022

Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic in China

        When a person is sick, it's one person's job; When a family gets sick, it's a family thing; When there is an epidemic in a city, it is the city's business; When a country has an epidemic, it's that country's business.

        When the worldwide epidemic becomes more and more serious, it is all because there is no effective quarantine policy! (In China, everyone is quarantined.) in other words, people who are sick and infected with the virus are isolated will help control the outbreak.

Zero policy is often referred to as dynamic zero policy in mainland China. It relates to epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic policy in which a confirmed case of an infectious disease is found. This means that treatment is accompanied by epidemiological investigations, the isolation of all potential contacts, and the containment of virus-infected areas to reduce transmission and the number of confirmed cases. It was initially implemented in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore in response to the COVID-19 epidemic. However, after the popularization of vaccination, the deepening of awareness of the virus, and the decline of the virulence of the virus, most regions gradually withdrew from the zero policy in 2021 in order to maintain their own economies. Only mainland China and Macao worldwide are still clearly implementing the zero policy.

In order to resume work and production, we can also be afraid of the epidemic. No amount of confirmed cases and death rates can stop the conflict of the pro-democracy movement, which shows the necessity and necessity of resuming work! Symptomatic hospitals, and asymptomatic workshops, this is the world's standard. The shutdown policy is being blamed, not efforts to resume work and production...

After a fight against the epidemic, human beings continue to live normally, no one has changed the world, and no gods (China's leaders) have come down to perform... Just had to take some time off - what advanced experience can be drawn?

I repeat, whoever stops the resumption of work is the virus...(Up to now, the Chinese government is still in a comprehensive stop production, adhering to the zero policy!)

There is no wrong with setting up a stall (For the sake of people's livelihood, the Chinese government allows people to set up street stalls to sell goods. But it lasted only three weeks before it was shut down!). It is unfair not to go to work to get paid.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Why learn to use Office-Excel well

        One of the most important and challenging skills to learn is Excel. People who have worked know that the beginning of the month is the busiest time; a lot of data and sorting is very laborious. But why do some great gods get the numbers right so quickly? Excel technology is not very good. You can see it at a glance. Everyone who works in the workplace needs to learn and advance in Excel. Almost all companies cannot do without this point when hiring: proficiency in office and proficient in data analysis are preferred.

        In the era of big data, small data is also essential! Either App or ERP, all kinds of data are produced all the time. Personal sports, fitness consumption, address book inside the enterprise, customer information management, production planning, scheduling, and operation analysis all rely on Excel. Excel can be compatible with almost all data files, become a bridge between various systems, and is also a significant tool for sorting out data output visualization reports. Excel is equivalent to mastering a modern office language.

  • If you're an administrator
Do you want an Excel spreadsheet that automatically reminds you of your birthday?
  • If you're in finance or accounting
Are you already proficient in using various financial functions?
  • If you work in the Marketing Department
Can you turn complex data into a clear chart?

Maybe at some point, you made up your mind to use Excel.

Follow Professor Wu's rhythm and pace, then enter Chapter 5 together!

Monday, October 3, 2022

Why learn to use Office-Word well

  It's fair to say that we all spend a lot of time with Word. If you take the time to learn it and improve your Word skills appropriately, there is almost no limit to how much it will save you time and show you your strengths in the future. Although Word looks very simple, it is not easy to work with. Remember when you used Word? Did you encounter this problem?

Open the Word document to write, the software crashed, the results of writing for half an hour of content all disappeared, and people also followed the crash. When I write an article in Word, the content is written in half an hour, but the layout takes hours. The software seems very "disobedient," Trying to move tables, pictures, or adjust the spacing does not achieve its desired effect.

Using Word to typeset long articles or papers, various automatic catalogs, headers and footers, citation annotation, do not know how to do, to manually operate one by one, once modified, manually modify all one by one, wasting a lot of time. Watch someone else do it, and it's done in a couple of clicks. I use Word to do the resume, super garbage ugly, other people typeset to make like art and even can use Word to make a poster. 

After learning this class, Word is not difficult to use. In fact, wasting time and scratching your head for Word happens all the time, but we rarely thought about how to solve it in the past. Problems like those above can be avoided entirely with a short period of careful study.

Monday, September 26, 2022

My view on system software

        System software is designed to provide a platform for other software. Examples of system software include operating systems such as macOS, Linux, Android, and Microsoft Windows, computing science software, game engines, industrial automation, and software as a service application.

        Many operating systems come pre-packaged with basic application software. Examples of such software include games and simple editing tools provided with Microsoft Windows or software development toolchains provided with many Linux distributions. If this type of software is uninstalled without affecting the functions of other software, it is not considered system software. Some gray areas between systems and application software are web browsers deeply integrated into the operating system, such as Internet Explorer in some versions of Microsoft Windows or Chrome OS and Firefox OS. 

        Cloud-based software is another example of system software. That provides a service to a software client (typically a web browser or running JavaScript application) rather than directly to the user. It is developed using systems programming methods and systems programming languages.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Discussed in LabSim Chapter 1.4.7 Internet Safety and Security (A Brief Talk on Internet Shopping Fraud)

        The application of the Internet has become an indispensable part of our life. Whether it's a dinner with colleagues, online shopping, a family trip, etc. Most of us rely on the Internet to find the information we need. Yet the Internet is only minimally regulated. In other words, the online information is not 100% accurate or reliable. Even the security of some data cannot be guaranteed. Network fraud is very prevalent in the current network environment. Network fraud refers to the purpose of illegal possession, the use of the Internet to fabricate facts or conceal the truth of the method, and swindling a more enormous amount of public and private property behavior. It has a variety of tricks, and it cheats with each passing day. Commonly used means are fake friends, phishing, online banking upgrade fraud, the main characteristics of space virtualization, behavior concealment, etc. I will share with you a few common examples to raise awareness.

(1) Online shopping fraud.

        Criminals set up fake shopping websites or Amazon stores. Once the owner has placed an order, they say the system is down and needs to be reactivated. Then, through mobile phone SMS to send false activation website fraud.

(2) Low price shopping fraud.

        Criminals release transfer information such as second-hand cars, second-hand computers, and goods confiscated by customs through the Internet and mobile phone messages. Once the owner contacts them, they cheat them out of money by "paying the deposit" and "transaction tax commission."

(3) brush network (online shop) evaluation reputation fraud.

        Criminals claim that they want to open online shops and need to quickly refresh the trading volume, online praise, and reputation. They promised to return shopping fees and extra commission after the transaction. Then the victims must shop or buy in the designated online shop at a high price. 

        There are many similar cases and examples. So this requires us to access the Internet simultaneously and master some ability to distinguish between true and false information. Of course, all this takes time and experience. As long as we keep our greed, lust, and curiosity in check, it's easy to get around wire fraud. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

Digital Payment-Alipay

        In the booming economy and modern technological society, the significance and value of spending money to improve people's quality of life have become increasingly important. It is well known that the life of money-making is undertaken under compulsion since wealth is not the good we seek and is merely useful for the sake of something else. However, people have different ways and habits of spending their money. Some people claim that cash is the king. They always prepare a few cash and put them in their wallet. Some others believe that credit cards would be a better payment method to avoid carrying a lot of cash. According to Juro Osawa, more than 1.2 billion people in China use the third method to spend their money daily, which is digital payment-Alipay. It is pretty common these days for people in China to purchase or sell products with Alipay. Alipay is able to help people complete their transactions within a few seconds. The only thing people have to do is scan their barcodes with their smartphones. In addition, employers of companies or governments take Alipay as their mainstream way to deposit their employees' paychecks. Alipay has become more popular than the original methods recently in China. Because there are three essential and important reasons, which include improvements in hardware development on Alipay's platform, valuable support from China state banks, and intense popular demands in the fast-paced people.

        Alipay has achieved a dominant position in payment patterns in China since it has that massive support with advantaged and unique conditions. According to a recent study, a global survey has found that most people can't live without their mobiles, never leave home without them, and, if given a choice, would rather lose their wallet. To some extent, people know that a trend has significant traction when young people are all over it. I believe that digital payments will be more acceptable and more popular shortly.

Work Cited

Osawa, Juro. "Alipay Wallet Hits 190 Million Active Users; Alibaba Group Holding's Financial Services Affiliate Says Alipay Wallet is China's no. 1 Mobile Payment Tool." Wall Street Journal (Online), Oct 15, 2014. ProQuest, http://ezproxy.library.csn.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.csn.edu/docview/1612041636?accountid=27953.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

A Brief Introduction to Phishing

"Phishing" was first mentioned and recognized in 1996. It is a form of sending an email to defraud the victim. Victims may disclose personal or confidential information. Scammers can use this information illegally. You could be giving away both your personal and financial information with a click of the mouse. People may inadvertently download viruses or malware, making themselves targets for scammers. Mrs. Clinton's campaign suffered from this. Phishing emails are a scam designed and orchestrated by fraudsters. Experts have used psychology to understand why people fall in love with phishing emails. Phishing can make it easy for us to fall for it by pandering to people's prejudices and emotions.
Webmail is usually used by banks, the INTERNAL Revenue Service, the government, and other agencies to gain people's trust. Because of the fact that people are more likely to follow orders from authority figures. Of course, webmail can also trick people into giving them confidential information in the form of coupons. More than 70 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 89 have clicked on a phishing email at least once. People over the age of 62, in particular, are more susceptible. The study also found that different age groups responded differently to additional scam emails. By looking at people from other occupations and levels of education, the researchers found significant differences in email content and fraud rates. Higher cognitive ability and cultural background also had different effects on the rate of deception. One of the study's conclusions is that protecting people from cyber-attacks requires psychological measures as well as the traditional technical means of relying on cyber security experts. Although from the point of view of human evolution, it is not so fast and straightforward to change how people think.
First of all, phishing emails bring a lot of inconvenience to people's lives and work. Many people have lost money and privacy. These are indisputable facts. Many of us have had the experience of clicking and opening a phishing app. Secondly, phishing software is hateful, but fraudsters often capture people's psychological weaknesses. For example, greed, selfishness, luck, love to take slight advantage, and so on. While promoting anti-fraud education, people should learn to find reasons for themselves instead of always making excuses and blaming others. Finally, preventing phishing emails cannot rely on technology and network technology alone. It does have a lot to do with both Eastern and Western cultures and the environment in which everyone grows up. People should also learn to change their way of thinking.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

CIT-Students' Tomorrow

After the pandemic, I returned to CSN (even though I already had my bachelor's degree in finance). It can be expected that many of my classmates came back to study on the university campus after taking a job just like me. As a student of CIT College, I think I have made a wise choice. In the future development, the application and maintenance of the network, information technology, and electronic equipment are essential.

Through their own hobbies and interests, choosing a suitable for their own major will position their future employment and development to get twice the result with half the effort. I am very optimistic about the employment prospects of all students, as long as they study hard and master the necessary certificates and professional skills. Believe that all will be rewarded; today's sweat and tears will not be vain.